.November . twelve . two thousand.
Hello everyone, a lot of great things are happening. we may be working out a deal with a label soon to put out something for the summer. our original drummer matt (corys brother) is on tour right now with living sacrifice but is moving back here late 2000 or early 2001. he will be back, writing and playing with us in December or January. i am very exicited about it and anticipate the songs we are going to write. so once again we will go through some line up changes.
Cory has bee playing with the handshake murders for a month or two now. the shows are turning out really good. the new cd will be here next week. look out for it, it's pretty dang good. also we are trying to sell some equipment. it's an ampeg half stack for around $1,350.00. and it's brand new. if you want to check that out go here...
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