Eso-charis formed in 1995, under the name Elliot in Fort Smith, AR. and the surrounding areas. The original members were Arthur green(bass), Cory Putman(vocals,Guitar) Matt Putman(drums), and Mathew Depper (guitar). They spent a little under a year writing songs and developing a sound. They played their first show in November with four songs. After that Matt Depper left the group to pursue other things. Elliot continued as a three piece for another year or so, playing shows locally and in the surrounding states. In early '97 Jayson Holmes joined and Elliot recorded their first demo entitled "the plateau green." It had four songs and was gone quickly. Soon afterwards ,because there were other bands with the name Elliot, they changed their name to eso-charis. Which is two Greek words that translate to "within or inside grace."
Eso-charis continued to play shows in surrounding areas. Slowly getting their name out, eso-charis caught the attention of Bruce Fitzhugh and In November of '97 they recorded their first full length album at Barry Poynter studios (Living sacrifice, Zao, Embodyment, Burned up bled dry, Rash of beatings...) and was produced by Bruce. On June 12th 1998 it was released while eso-charis was on tour with living sacrifice and embodyment. It is now being distributed all over the U.S. and has been leased to "Day-Glo Records" in Stockholm, Sweden. Eso-charis has also toured in Europe with Blindside. their live show is energetic and dramatic. they never leave you hanging, but always gasping for breath. the usual eso-charis riot consists of about four to six songs.
In February of 1999, Matt Putman and Arthur Green left the band to pursue other projects. Jayson and Cory are continuing to write. Gabriel Edmonds (Bass) and Stephen Mcdonald (drums) have joined. they hope to record a full length by spring 2000.
"eso-charis fervently believes in Jesus, we do not consider ourselves religious at all, and there are no words to convince you or anyone that he is real. We only know that God has revealed himself to us, individually in real and different ways. we hope that our music inspires you."
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